Friday, January 4, 2013

In 2013 i resolve to.....

1) Take more pictures.
Did you see my last post- my year in pictures?  Notice how there was nothing from January to April?  Yeah, that is not going to happen again.  I am going to take AT LEAST one picture a day.
January 1st- no pictures
January 2nd- a picture of Tiberius

January 3rd- a picture of Leia

WOW- i am lame-o.
I will do better- i promise.

2) To make exercise a REAL part of my life.
I started doing p90x last year around this time and hurt my neck doing the yoga video.....yes, the easy peasy yoga workout video- which made me promptly stop that crazy workout regimen......and that was the last time i did any sort of exercising.  Almost a year ago.  And my body can tell, because my pants are getting more snug and about 50% of the time, i walk around without the pants buttoned.  LOL!  So now, January 2013, i want to start taking care of my body.  Whether that is running (haha....yeah right...THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN), Barre classes, yoga, or heading back to my Pole aerobics classes- i am going to do it!

3) To get out of debt.
Dave Ramsey is my mortal enemy.  I started his "get out of debt" plan last year but then got sidetracked with lawyer bills, divorce payments, and a mountain of debt that my ex felt that "I" was solely responsible for.  I mean, hey, he didn't have a job so he doesn't have to pay the bills, right?  And when not enough taxes aren't taken out of my paycheck, that is "my" fault so i should just work more to pay back the money.  Right?  Right?  I'm trying not to be bitter......really trying.
Anyway, 2013 is a clean slate.  No more absurd bills.  No payments to ex husbands.  All my money is going to paying off debt.....and maybe a few new shoes here and there.  ;)
Hey- instead of spending $, anyone want to buy these for me?  I wear size 8.5

4) I am going to make a Macquarium
Yes, i have a Mac Computer under my desk at work, just begging to be turned into a fish aquarium.
And that will be my DIY project this year.  Sorry honey, it is going to happen.  Just give in.
Exciting, right?
4 resolutions seems reasonable, right?  I'm excited for 2013, a new year, a new start.  Let's get going!

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