Tuesday, August 23, 2011

And it starts.....

It is all anyone can talk about- on the news, internet, all social media outlets- Hurricane Irene.

The big, bad, hurricane- a Category 2- is taking aim right for the south carolina/north carolina coast and is predicted to make landfall saturday somewhere between charleston and myrtle beach. All eyes are on the weather channels- waiting too see if it will turn ever so slightly and have the government pull the trigger and call for an evacuation.

And only 22 years ago (almost to the date), Hurricane Hugo slammed into Charleston and the lowcountry, forever changing the way the way people viewed hurricane preparedness.

I was living in Charlottesville (and was 10 years old) when Hurricane Hugo hit Charleston. The only reason why i remember it at all is that we had the day off from school "just in case." And we didn't even get a drop of rain. It was great- for us. Not so great for Charleston which was devastated.

This is a picture of Lockwood Blvd- about 1/10 th of a mile from the hospital. It was under water for a week......so was the 1st floor of MUSC. And the story that gets passed around Medical School is that Baruch Auditorium, where our 1st year classes are held, had fish swimming around in it for weeks!

Well, i have to admit, my eyes are on the news too......not really interested in surviving a hurricane without a kitchen!

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