Monday, November 8, 2010

Just another birthday dinner

So, this weekend was taylor's birthday and as usual, we had dinner at my parent's house with all of the family to celebrate. And Taylor brought her best friend, Cali, who had to endure our family (yes, she was asked if she was taylor's "goth" friend.....poor girl).

My mom cooked spagetti and bread and my grandmother made salad and of course there was birthday cake. Oh- and let's not forget the red wine.


And what better way to top off the night.....but with a push-up contest! I kid you not. My brother always asks taylor if she "works out" and tells her what to do to get stronger (he is a pretty athletic guy...and his wife might even be more athletic, and she is pregnant, which is soooo exciting!). And last night he asked tay to do a push-up. Well...i caught it on video!

Not your typical birthday dinner .........but in our house, it is just another Lambert family dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Push ups are so hard!! I do the girly version of them with my exercise rotuine and they suck!! I can't even imagine doing the real version. It looks like I am having a seizure after about my third one because my body shakes so hard.

    Have a Happy Week.
